Saturday, February 13, 2010

Who needs pants?

Thanks to groups like Improv Everywhere, social expression is happening just about everywhere. Take a look at the video below to see how a little bit of organization and participation can result in a never-before-seen act of humor.

Not only are examples of this behavior fun and different, they're going to become more and more prevalent in the future.

Eric Carr hits the nail on the head. Mobile devices are going to become more and more integrated into the fabric of everyday life because they will let us know where our friends and families are at all times through a host of new applications largely based around the GPS.

Organization like the one in the above video demands this kind of mobile platform in order to work properly. There is no doubt in my mind advertisers will start to catch on (as T-Mobile already has) to the popularity of these sporadic displays of group demonstrations and utilize them to promote their brands. The question is, will the public react with the same awe and enthusiasm if they know a big brand is behind the demonstration?


  1. I looked at these videos - they are awesome! It's funny that someone even had that idea but it's pretty amazing that they were able to get such a large group of people to go ride the metro/subway without pants. The video with the "twins" doing the human mirror is cool also!

  2. I recall in undergrad discussing how companies will soon be texting us, simply by tracking our phones (if we allow it, or sign up for it) to know when we're near their store. Then we'll get a text with a coupon or other offer. Sounded odd at the time. I can see it coming soon though...

  3. I love technology and all the perks that come with it, but sometimes articles like "Now all your friends can see where you are" suffocate me...They better not overdo it.
    Flash mob is really cool, I agree. My favorite of the 24 was the T-Mobile Dance Advert!

  4. Experts keep saying mobile is the next frontier but really it's already begun. Soon enough mobile devices will be the full-on communications suite that have been predicted for so long.

    ps: would've loved to been part of the no pants subway ride...not sure it would fly in the DC metro.
